

webdriver form submit with cli tools example

  • Uses jvm shutdown hooks instead of implementing AutoClosable for headless browser
(ns scape.core
  (:require [etaoin.api :as api]
            [ :refer [parse-opts]]
            [ :as log])
  (:import [java.util.concurrent TimeUnit]))

(defonce cli-options
  [["-t" "--type TYPE" "type of router"
    :default "arris"]
   ["-l" "--login LOGIN" "login username"
    :default "admin"]
   ["-p" "--pass PASS" "login password"
    :default "password"]
   ["-s" "--sleep SLEEP" "Interval in seconds for refreshing"
    :default 180
    :parse-fn #(Integer/parseInt %)]
   ["-u" "--url URL" "URL of website to use"
    :default ""
    :parse-fn #(.toString ( %))]])

(defn create-driver []
  (log/info "Creating driver")
  (let [driver (api/firefox-headless)]
    (log/info "adding shutdown hook")
    (.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime)
                      (Thread. (fn []
                                 (println "Shutting down driver")
                                 (api/quit driver)
                                 (println "Quit driver"))))
    (log/info "added shutdown hook")

(defn reset-linksys [driver url login pass]
  (log/info "Going to url: " url)
  (api/go driver url)
  (log/info "Getting username box")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :input :id :userName}])
  (api/fill driver {:tag :input :id :userName} login)
  (log/info "Entering password")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :input :id :pcPassword}])
  (api/fill driver {:tag :input :id :pcPassword} pass)
  (log/info "Clicking login")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :label :id :loginBtn}])
  (api/click driver {:tag :label :id :loginBtn})
  (log/info "Switching to left frame")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :frame :name :bottomLeftFrame}])
  (api/switch-frame driver {:tag :frame :name :bottomLeftFrame})
  (log/info "Clicking system button")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :ol :id :ol62}])
  (api/click driver {:tag :ol :id :ol62})
  (log/info "Clicking reboot menu button")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :a :id :a68}])
  (api/click driver {:tag :a :id :a68})
  (log/info "Switching to top frame")
  (api/switch-frame-top driver)
  (log/info "Switching to main frame")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :frame :name :mainFrame}])
  (api/switch-frame driver {:tag :frame :name :mainFrame})
  (log/info "Clicking reboot button")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :input :id :reboot}])
  (api/click driver {:tag :input :id :reboot})
  (log/info "Clicked reboot button")
  (log/info "waiting on alert")
  (api/wait-has-alert driver)
  (log/info "accepting alert")
  (api/accept-alert driver)
  (log/info "accepted alert"))

(defn reset-arris [driver url login pass]
  (log/info "Going to url: " url)
  (api/go driver url)
  (log/info "Entering username")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :input :id :UserName}])
  (api/fill driver {:tag :input :id :UserName} login)
  (log/info "Entering password")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :input :id :Password}])
  (api/fill driver {:tag :input :id :Password} pass)
  (log/info "Clicking login")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :input :class :submitBtn}])
  (api/click driver {:tag :input :class :submitBtn})
  (log/info "clicked button")
  (log/info "waiting on utilites menu")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :a :href :?util_status}])
  (api/go driver (.concat url "/?util_restart"));"/?util_status"))
  (log/info "redirected menu")
  (log/info "waiting on reboot button")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :input :class :submitBtn}])
  (log/info "Clicking the reboot button")
  (api/click driver {:tag :input :class :submitBtn})
  (log/info "waiting on alert")
  (api/wait-has-alert driver)
  (log/info "accepting alert")
  (api/accept-alert driver)
  (log/info "accepted alert"))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (log/info "Ensure Geckodriver and Firefox with headless support are available.") ;; ten attempts 2 hours
  (let [{:keys [options arguments summary errors]} (parse-opts args cli-options)
        driver (create-driver)]
    (log/info "arguments: " arguments)
    (log/info "using config values: " options)
    (if (.equals "arris" (:type options))
      (reset-arris driver (:url options) (:login options) (:pass options))
      (reset-linksys driver (:url options) (:login options) (:pass options)))
    (log/info "Done sleeping for: " (:sleep options) " seconds")
    (.sleep TimeUnit/SECONDS (:sleep options))
  (log/info "Done")))

(defn goto-site [driver url]
  (log/info "Going to url: " url)
  (api/go driver url) ;; get iframe of menu from url
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:tag :iframe :id :jane-menu}])
  (log/info "Getting site iframe")
  (let [site (str (api/get-element-property driver {:tag :iframe :id :jane-menu} :src) "refinementList%5Broot_types%5D%5B0%5D=flower")]
    (log/info "Going to site: " site)
    (api/go driver site)))

(defn get-max [driver]
  (log/info "Getting max %")
  (api/wait-visible driver [{:fn/has-text "Max:"}])
  (let [max (atom (Integer/parseInt (re-find #"\d+" (api/get-element-text driver [{:fn/has-text "Max:"}]))))]
    (log/info "Max is: " @max)

(defn scrape-site
  [& args]
  (log/info "Ensure Geckodriver and Firefox with headless support are available.")
  (let [{:keys [options arguments summary errors]} (parse-opts args cli-options)
        driver (create-driver)
        max (do
              (goto-site driver (:url options))
              (get-max driver))]
    (while (< @max (:threshold options))
        (log/info "Sleeping for: " (:sleep options) " mins")
        (.sleep TimeUnit/MINUTES (:sleep options))
        (log/info "Refreshing...")
        (reset! max (get-max driver))
        (catch Throwable e (str " error : " (.getMessage e))))))
  (log/info "Done"))

javafx example with graalvm

(ns jam.start
   (javafx.scene Scene)
   (javafx.application Application)
   (javafx.application Platform)
   (javafx.scene.control Button)
   (javafx.stage Stage))
   :extends javafx.application.Application
   :name jam.start
   :main true))

(defn -start [this ^Stage stage]
  (println "START")
  (.setScene stage (Scene. (Button. "My Button") 200 100))
  (.show stage)
  (println "started"))

(defn -stop
  (println "Exiting"))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (println "Starting")
  (System/setProperty "prism.order" "sw")
  (System/setProperty "prism.text" "t2k")
  (System/setProperty "prism.nativepisces" "false")
  (System/setProperty "prism.allowhidpi" "false")
  (System/setProperty "prism.vsync" "false")
  (Application/launch jam.start args)
  (println "Done"))
  • Run with mvn gluonfx:build gluonfx:nativerun
    • needs at least java 17 GraalVM CE 22.1.0
    • WIP: web profile breaks on clojure ex: mvn gluonfx:build gluonfx:nativerun -Pweb android profile breaks on clojure ex: mvn gluonfx:build gluonfx:nativerun -Pandroid
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