- fallacies of crypto haters
- wrought with fraud so it needs 'regulation'
- banks are the biggest scamming hucksters around and they facilitate most of financial fraud in the world within 'regulations'
- not decentralized
- 'people do not want to run their own servers' - moxie marlinspike
- they will and do; a nakamoto number greater than 1 is still more than the status quo
- 'people do not want to run their own servers' - moxie marlinspike
- wrought with fraud so it needs 'regulation'
- fallacies of crypto bros
- 'trapped energy'
- sets lower bound on energy production price beyond the government; thus encourages more production regardless of means
- wasting compute cycles on hashing random numbers instead of folding proteins, simulating fluid dynamics, SETI etc (need internet connection for blockchain sync); price should not be the primary factor for investing in hard research problems.
- 'trapped energy'
- cross group discrete logarithm equality proof in zero knowledge for shared secret between two chains with different ec curves. (farcaster)
- sigma protocols are alternative (COMINT)
- Permuto will allow "eligible holders"" to deposit Microsoft stock (MSFT) and issue "dividend" and "appreciation" certificates on the chia blockchain; to be traded seperately. Allowed 10% of total stock and voting is done based on prices of the 'certificates'.
env variable configuration- burn if not able to melt
- check plots with
chia plots check -n 30 -l
- mainnet burn xch1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqm6ks6e8mvy - sends to puzzle hash 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000dead - testnet burn txch1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqm6ksh7qddh
is 8444 in BLS HD key path- utxo based (not account based like ethereum)
- set env var root with
export CHIA_ROOT=/usr/local/chia/mainnet/
- offer files for p2p exchange (atomic swaps)
- submarine swap cross chain for btc
- ALL CAT v1 Offers/Coins are INVALID as of 1.5 for vulnerability that allows anyone to claim; replaced by cat v2
- unable to control amount exploited. puzzle hash, coin amount, parent id are sha256 hashed but not validated. fixed by using shatree to validate.
- proof of space and time
- bls aggregatable signatures
- tail emissions of 0.125 xch per block after 12 years
- pooling protocol for self block creation
- asic timelords
- uses 3 'blockchains' with 1 being a transaction chain of foliage to avoid grinding the canonical trunk chain
- compression of plots possible with Hellman Attack by using ram/cpu during plotting/harvesting. (tldr: throws first table away and reverses table 2 as needed)
- 'bit dropping' is actually used approach
- GPU compressed plot farming for C7(2gb vram) C8(4gb varm) C9(only if free power)
- GPU plotting from mmx madmax
- chialisp
- programmable smart contracts
- autonomous custody with rate limiting, clawback and configurable settlement periods
- programmable smart contracts
- chain stats
- xch domains
- namesdao nft
- webpages at
- webpages at
- namesdao nft
- each CAT v2 is worth 1000 mojos. smallest unit is thus 0.001 CAT or one mojo.
- tibet swap amm based on uniswap v1
- for decentralized offer broadcasting
chia wallet send -a 0.000000000001 -m 0.000000000001 -t xch1jhye8dmkhree0zr8t09rlzm9cc82mhuqtp5tlmsj4kuqvs69s2wsl90su4 -e "___SevenCharName.xch:xchYOURxchaddress" --override
- for some online chia tools. debugger coming soon…
- implemented ecdh for chia addresses
- ecdh for encrypted messages
- for chia messages
- 1.43 TB of writes per k32
- data layer added in 1.6
- store hash in smart coin. updates are tracked on chain along with mirrors
- http server bundled to download and serve data
- selectively download layers if inclusion proof is acceptable
- can store key value pairs of json etc
- works with offer files
- ex of video sharing with datalayer
- mojo node sql for block reorg
- space farmers pool runs community node
- light farming alternative since flexpool shutdown
- for mempool explorer
- Stably provider scammed with PrimeTrust USDS and wrapper btc redemption disabling
- 0.59 btc in reserved. Required 1btc deposit to withdrawl.
- CEO/CSO/Employees flame users on reddit (ex. Windows SSL issue)
- Trademark trolling chiaplot (news site)/xchscan(block explorer) with fresh law grad
- the chia plot needed a lawyer for them to buzz off
- large premine (promised to not use) is being used(sold) to 'marketing' and 'market makers'
- layoff of devs after being told "we have years of runway"
- hiring WEF managers and fossils(L. Goldman) for DevRel.
- Gatekeeping timelord asics
- exploited own vulnerability with catv1/v2 upgrade
- stably scam
- chia has better custody tools than custodian. Total lack of DD
- misrepresent the plot filter increase and effects it will have on farming k32's
- higher quality proofs will be more likely to win. k33 will provide higher proof quality than k32 given same storage space.
- Slow development
- pooling release
- compressed plots
- announced needing new plot format but still bought drplotter compressed farmer
- node perf (dust storm)
- no blockchain download for years (offer torrent now)
- atomic swaps and zkrollups not integrated into client for years
- use block > 2,688,888 restore height for faster sync times with view tag support (resend old funds etc)
- supports tor with sending tx's and wallets
for sending transactionsanonymous-inbound
allow inbound transactions
- randomx for POW algorithm
- ASIC resistance may not be stable long term
- advertised asic miners contest specific nonces (horizontal lines on graph of block nonces)
- potential for social cascading for miners to skip those nonces (making the asics better?)
- advertised asic miners contest specific nonces (horizontal lines on graph of block nonces)
- ASIC resistance may not be stable long term
- tail emissions of 0.6 XMR per block
- variable block sizes
- potential difficulty/timestamp grinding but at cost
- p2pool for distributed block creation
- needs zmq enabled monerod
- bundled with gui in 0.18
- mini side chain for lower hashrate
- xmrvsbeast raffle bonus
- ringct
- bulletproofs
- ring signatures to obsurce sender, amount, recipient
- can still trace 'outputs' if you are the sends (alice bob alice attack) or if network is deanonymized (exchanges/users publish view keys, block reward before if enters txo set, transaction fee correlation)
- churn to avoid and create noise
- can still trace 'outputs' if you are the sends (alice bob alice attack) or if network is deanonymized (exchanges/users publish view keys, block reward before if enters txo set, transaction fee correlation)
- stealth addresses
- random 1 time addresses for every transaction
- Dandelion++
- transaction broadcast and peer sampling to prevent tracing tx origins
- No light/SPV clients
- view tags since v0.18
- lockable spends with
- churn, fracture and consolidate tools
- haveno for p2p order book
make haveno-apps && make haveno-desktop-mainnet
- reto simplex
#!/bin/bash -e # sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=$(nproc) for i in $(find /sys/devices/system/node/node* -maxdepth 0 -type d); do echo 3 > "$i/hugepages/hugepages-1048576kB/nr_hugepages"; done echo "1GB pages successfully enabled" #guix pack -S /bin=bin -f docker --with-commit=p2pool=6cf1b13500795260fd9b98de393ecd19f5aabd5d p2pool # forward TCP for monerod #upnpc -e monero -r 18080 TCP # p2pool mini chain #upnpc -e p2pool -r 37889 TCP # p2pool chain #upnpc -e p2pool -r 37888 TCP sudo xmrig --randomx-1gb-pages --huge-pages-jit -t 12 -o -B
- reuse of ECDSA signatures can lead to key compromise (polynonce attack). use deterministic dsa instead (eddsa or RFC 6979)
- double sha256
- fixed block size
- fixed supply ~21m
- lightning
- hash time locked contacts
- moving to point time locked contracts
- rebalance incoming/outgoing channels for sending/receiving/routing
- preimage based
- watchtowers
- monitor channel transactions and punish bad actors incase of attack on your node (publishing false state to chain) by publishing new state and penalizing
- taro for colored coins/assets
- hash time locked contacts
- bip 351 payment codes for private transactions
- fedimint - protocol for multisig group m:n (federation) that issues 'ecash' that is backed by sats. Tradable with other federation members (half-online). No/lower fees are not written to chain unless ecash is turned into sats by federation.
- crypto payment server that supports invoices (multiple payments, refunds, tolerances etc)
- xmr config requires the view only wallet.keys, wallet and password file be available before sync can complete
- sync MUST be completed before the FIRST store can be created
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: btcpay-deployment labels: app: btcpay spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: btcpay template: metadata: labels: app: btcpay spec: volumes: - name: btcpay-data hostPath: path: /storage/btcpay/btcpay-data - name: btcpay-plugins hostPath: path: /storage/btcpay/btcpay-plugins - name: postgres-data hostPath: path: /storage/btcpay/btcpay-postgres - name: monero-config hostPath: path: /storage/btcpay/btcpay-bitmonero - name: monero-wallet hostPath: path: /storage/btcpay/btcpay-xmr-wallet containers: - name: btcpay image: btcpayserver/btcpayserver:1.7.1-altcoins volumeMounts: - name: btcpay-data mountPath: /datadir - name: btcpay-plugins mountPath: /root/.btcpayserver/Plugins - name: monero-wallet mountPath: /root/xmr_wallet env: - name: BTCPAY_POSTGRES value: "User ID=postgres;Host=;Port=5432;Application Name=btcpayserver;Database=btcpayserver" - name: BTCPAY_NETWORK value: regtest - name: BTCPAY_BIND value: - name: BTCPAY_ROOTPATH value: / - name: BTCPAY_SSHCONNECTION value: "root@host.docker.internal" - name: BTCPAY_SSHTRUSTEDFINGERPRINTS value: "" - name: BTCPAY_SSHKEYFILE value: "" - name: BTCPAY_SSHAUTHORIZEDKEYS value: "" - name: BTCPAY_DEBUGLOG value: btcpay.log - name: BTCPAY_UPDATEURL value: - name: BTCPAY_DOCKERDEPLOYMENT value: "true" - name: BTCPAY_CHAINS value: "xmr" - name: BTCPAY_XMR_DAEMON_URI value: - name: BTCPAY_XMR_WALLET_DAEMON_URI value: - name: BTCPAY_XMR_WALLET_DAEMON_WALLETDIR value: /root/xmr_wallet ports: - name: btcpay-port containerPort: 49392 hostPort: 49392 - name: monerod image: btcpayserver/monero: # needs Containerfile with EXPOSE 18084 for p2pool zmq volumeMounts: - name: monero-config mountPath: /home/monero/.bitmonero args: ["--no-zmq", "--rpc-bind-ip=", "--confirm-external-bind", "--rpc-bind-port=18081", "--non-interactive", "--hide-my-port", "--prune-blockchain", "--disable-dns-checkpoints", "--enable-dns-blocklist", "--block-notify", "/bin/sh ./scripts/ -X GET"] # "--zmq-pub", "tcp://", "--limit-rate-up", "800", "--out-peers", "30", command: ["monerod"] ports: - name: monero-rpc containerPort: 18081 hostPort: 18081 - name: monerod-wallet image: btcpayserver/monero: volumeMounts: - name: monero-wallet mountPath: /wallet args: ["--rpc-bind-ip=", "--disable-rpc-login", "--confirm-external-bind", "--rpc-bind-port=18082", "--non-interactive", "--trusted-daemon", "--daemon-address=", "--wallet-file=/wallet/wallet", "--password-file=/wallet/password", "--tx-notify", "/bin/sh ./scripts/ -X GET"] command: ["monero-wallet-rpc"] ports: - name: monero-daemon-rpc containerPort: 18082 hostPort: 18082 - name: postgres image: btcpayserver/postgres:13.7 volumeMounts: - name: postgres-data mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data args: ["-c", "random_page_cost=1.0", "-c", "shared_preload_libraries=pg_stat_statements"] env: - name: POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD value: trust ports: - name: postgres-port containerPort: 5432 hostPort: 5432