Linux distributions
Having many flavors makes some lovely hot garbage…
- debian based
- snaps and apt for packages
- zfs by default
- aws EKS for baremetal
- EKS auto mode
- EKS-D is the distro that can be self hosted through snap, baremetal, kubeadm etc
- preinstalled components
- metallb for load balancer
- Cilium CNI for networking
- Flux for gitops
- eksctl for control
- same pod and node limit at kubernetes (5000 nodes, 110 pods per node, 150000 total pods, 300000 total containers)
- build own ova
- can run locally with containers (based on amazon linux 2)
- requires docker with cgroupsv1
- arch based
- pamac and pacman for packages
- mkinitcpio for initramfs
MODULES="nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm"
- add zfs to hooks
blacklist nouveau
andoptions nvidia_drm modeset=1
for nvidia gpu direct render managementpacman -U *.zst
to install localmakepkg
to buildpacman -Syu
to update
pkgname=cross-mingw-w64-gdb pkgver=13.1 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="The GNU Debugger (compiled to debug target mingw-w64)" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="" license=('LGPL') depends=('ncurses' 'expat' 'xz' 'readline' 'source-highlight') makedepends=('gcc' 'texinfo') options=('staticlibs' '!buildflags') source=("${pkgver}.tar.xz") sha256sums=('115ad5c18d69a6be2ab15882d365dda2a2211c14f480b3502c6eba576e2e95a0') _architectures="i686-w64-mingw32 x86_64-w64-mingw32" build() { cd "$srcdir/gdb-$pkgver" for _arch in ${_architectures}; do unset LDFLAGS mkdir -p build-${_arch} && pushd build-${_arch} ../configure --prefix=/usr \ --target=${_arch} \ --enable-lto \ --disable-nls \ --with-system-readline \ --with-expat make popd done } package() { for _arch in ${_architectures}; do cd "$srcdir"/gdb-${pkgver}/build-${_arch} make install DESTDIR="$pkgdir" rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{info,locale,gdb} rm -f "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man1/*-w64-mingw32-gdbserver.1* rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/man5 rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/lib rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/include done }
- dracut for initraramfs
- yum/dnf for package managers
- fedora uses btrfs
- killed centos
- replaced by rocky/alma
- portage for packages
- use flags for config
- overlays for external repos
- can use binaries but usually source only