software contributions
- guix-cuirass
- huggingface/transformers
- ClementTsang/bottom
- added zfs arc support
- enabled metrics with sysctl
- freebsd used sysctl support for hw temp sensors
- kept feature working between release refactors
- added zpool dataset io stats
- sysinfo added freebsd ufs io with geom?
- enabled metrics with sysctl
- added gpu vram support
- hide swap when not used in basic mode
- bugfixed freebsd build / percentage toggle
- update docs, enable cli arg and update default config
- added gpu process, power and utilization support
- bugfixed battery out of bounds
- maintainer chose to remove util/power until separate widget
- outlined plan for linux intel/amd support with memfd drm proc info
- intel gpus need ioctls from mesa/drm
- intel gpus need ioctls from mesa/drm
- outlined plan for linux intel/amd support with memfd drm proc info
- updated tui library
- helped troubleshoot gpu issues
- fixed regression in basic mode after maintainer refactoring
- added zfs arc support
- wine/wine
- implement extended render options and enable tests
- ValveSoftware/wine
- cherry picked upstream wine for my fix
- ValveSoftware/Proton
- update sample with
option - opened blazblue crosstag issue and upstreamed patches to make it work on dxd9
- update sample with
- simons-public/protonfixes
- added python support for proton 4.11 option for d9vk
- guix/guix
- patched home services for i18n guix module and fix setlocale
- zdharma-continuum/zinit
- added 'cloneopts' ice option
- owner deleted original repo
- added 'cloneopts' ice option
- rust-lang/book
- fixed unit to be base 2 based instead of base 10 for v1 of book
- libp2p/rust-libp2p
- rewrote thread tests for newer tokio api in rust
- PistonDevelopers/music
- used rust to add optional constructor to reuse sdl context avoiding already initialized error
- provided example code for dynamic window resizing
- syl20bnr/spacemacs
- added lsp integration to rust layer with company, flycheck etc
- one user had issues
- fixed hooks for several lsp language layers and updated docs
- advised on ruby lsp preliminary support
- helped gitter user setup swift lsp with eglot before lsp-mode supported
- added lsp integration to rust layer with company, flycheck etc
- kwrooijen/cargo.el
- started from spacemacs issue
- elisp change to exlcude the manifest argument from cargo search and format while support was broken upstream (might be fixed now?)
- zcot/conky-manager2
- removed BOM (byte order mark) from utf nvidia theme to fix error on linux
- clj-easy/graalvm-clojure
- updated aleph to compile with graalvm native image
- updated ring-jetty version to compile with graalvm native image
- yewstack/yew
- suggested workaround for users getting setup
- mesosphere/spark-build
- showed same error to user of json having a trailing comma
- jlxip/DiscordInjector
- patched to use discord public test beta and respect XDG config vars
- borkdude/deps.clj :notupstream:
- not upstream as author said it was 'not important'
- added musl static build
- thedodd/ybc :notupstream:
- Update textarea for is-loading control
- Add navbar menu css configuration
- patched for newer yew-agent
- not upstream as test and example code are broken for modal
- itmettkeDE/cargo-patch :notupstream:
- not upstream as 'proper' fix is to change input parsing
- only used to patch old version of ssh-key for exposing private key in key2words until updated version was pushed
- removed trailing context after git range header
- removed broken support for new files
- Still needs the a/ b/ stripped and delete/create file support (diff format normalization)
- updated cargo to support 2024 edition (not upstream)
- not upstream as 'proper' fix is to change input parsing
- evergreen-xch/cult-lite-farmer :notupstream:
- added launcher id to cli for nft plot discovery
- added lto/codgen to release flags
- closed after several months
- same team released dgfastfarmer instead with compression support